Down Set Creation in PlantStar Panorama

The Down Reason Sets window lets you add, change or delete a down reason set. Defining down reason sets enables PlantStar to report a machine's down time and down frequency by a defined reason.

You can define up to twenty (20) down reasons for each down set. Down reason number one and two are pre-defined by PlantStar in terms of what they do and mean.

In the Configuration program.

Choose the menu item Sets -> Down Sets


If you are creating a new Down Set:

Click the New button and give your down set a meaningful name

Fill the table with the reasons you wish to select from at the machine.

Select Force Down = Yes to force the machine into a down state when the down reason is selected.

Select Ignore Cycle = Yes to ignore the production that occurs during the time that this down reason is selected.

Select Auto Clear = Yes to automatically clear the down reason after the machine has been up for three (3) consecutive cycles.

Select Force Scrap and change the selected number to the index number of a Reject Reason to automatically reject and accumulate under the associated reject category.

Click Update and then Close.

Choose the File menu and then Save Session

Once the save is complete you will have the additional down set available for selection.


If you are adding to an existing Down Set:

Choose the Down Set Name you want to change (Machines are assigned a Down Set by name)

Add your entry in the table that appears:

Click Update and then Close.

Choose the File menu and then Save Session

Once the save is complete you will have the additional down reason in that down set.